The Bründl Sports boot categories

The right boots for snowboarders and skiers

Our rental services

Free exchanges

If you notice your boots pinching while on the slopes, please come back to one of our shops. We are be happy to exchange the boots for a more suitable pair. 

Hygienic & dry

We replace over 90% of all boots every year. What's more, all boots are disinfected & dried before being rented out again.

Insoles & socks

Have you found the right size, but the boot doesn't quite fit your foot comfortably yet? To ensure greater comfort, we can also sell you insoles and comfortable ski socks.

Ski shoes and boots that fit

Finding the right ski or snowboard boots is a science of its own, with a huge range of brands, technologies and sizes to choose from.

Luckily, we've mastered this science inside out – even without a degree. The most important thing for us is knowing your needs and what you want to get out of your winter sports experience. This enables us to offer you the right model, or at least a selection to try, so you can be sure you've made the best decision. What makes our models stand out:

  • State-of-the-art technology
  • Top brands in the high-end sector
  • Individual customisation and fine tuning
  • Hygienic cleaning and disinfecting

This allows you to enjoy your time in the mountains in peace instead of ending your day on the slopes early because of ill-fitting boots and blisters.

The skiboot is put into an oven to heat it for the fitting

Was sind Mondopoints?

What are Mondopoints?

Many skiers and snowboarders have heard of them, but few can put them to use. We can explain Mondopoints to you.

Mondopoints are used to designate the size of ski or snowboard boots. But in contrast to the conventional alternative, the width of the foot is taken into account as well as the length. This is crucial for finding a comfortable fit – especially for ski boots, which are relatively stiff. In addition, this system offers further advantages:

  • Consideration of foot shape and position
  • Addressing individual needs
  • Maximum power transfer whilst skiing – without any pain

The sizes are given in centimetres. Our rental staff determine the length and width of your feet to identify which Mondopoints your matching ski boots should provide. This means overly tight shoes are no longer an issue!