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This is what our customers say about this shop

Customer service, personal advice and individual support are our top priorities. Feedback from our customers is very important to us to ensure this. Find out more about our customers' experiences here:
4.8 out of 5 stars
Quick, efficient and friendly service. Good quality equipment - great location.
Flag of United Kingdom London, United Kingdom
5 out of 5 stars
Tipp top wie immer. Wenn man dringend etwas vor Ort braucht, dieses mal haben meine eigenen Skistiefel gedrückt, deshalb musste ich ausleihen. Dann hatte ich immer Hilfe und eine Lösung vor Ort gefunden.
Flag of Germany Regensburg, Germany
5 out of 5 stars
Super friendly and professional! Just perfect!
April 2024 Flag of Thailand Chiang Mai, Thailand

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Bründl Sports Shops


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