Let’s talk about learning: When did the thing with the Academy actually start?

Elisabeth: That was in 1989 – when Christoph took over.

Bernhard: I think the ritual of the nature workshops has existed longest. We’ve been doing them for a good 25 years now I would say.

Elisabeth: The idea of the Academy simply grew and developed along the way.


You talk about "development places", not workplaces. Why?

Elisabeth: Each and every member of staff who walks through the door at Bründl must be prepared to develop. We expect that and do a lot to enable it. For me, when I look, for example, at the development curves our apprentices take, it is simply meaningful motivation to achieve more still.


What does the Academy actually offer people to that end?

Elisabeth: Our focus is of course on sales and communications. The apprentices, the trainees, and those on the management development course are the typical participants.

Bernahrd: And then there are the personal development courses, be it mindfulness training, self-management, conflict management, body language, or study trips.

Elisaberth: We’re really fortunate to have Bernhard and Christoph: The two have strong networks and we are forever getting creative stimuli from outside.

And who does what course when?

Bernhard: The shop managers play a major role here. As the HR developers, they decide, for example, who joins the trainee program.

Elisabeth: Staff members also come directly to me, and I never rejected an application. Luckily, my training budget isn’t capped.


How do you make sure that Academy information reaches everyone?

Elisabeth: Since summer 2019 we have had an internal comms platform: the Beekeeper app. We now use it for the complete e-learning program.

Bernhard: During lockdowns, it was key to keep people informed. Christoph uploaded a lot of videos.

Elisabeth: It was not like in many other companies where no one knew how things were going to pan out. Christoph was always really positive and honest; during that period we all felt incredibly well supported.


Great that the Bründl family is so confident even in difficult times.

Elisabeth: Only if you are confident will you bring your own ideas to bear – and only in that way can Bruendl Sports learn and continue to develop.


The 57-year-old high-powered HR pro is herself the best example of Bründl being a great place to develop: She went from part-time at a cash register to director of the Academy.

Elisabeth Rendl


Co-owner and for 30 years managing director of a management consultancy in Salzburg and of the Bründl Academy for almost as long. What would he himself still like to learn? To play the piano.

portrait of Bernhard Bründl